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HOURS Fri - Sun 10am to 4pm
April 1st to June 30th
PB Inc Resource Center
113 Main St


Discovering how public policy meets Main St. in rural communities  


Community Development

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Main St.

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Mixed Economy

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Small Farms

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Public Spaces

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Locally Grown Food

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Arts & Trades


April 1st to June 30th 


A community-based project developed with Philmont's Chris Redwing, a student at the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy University at Albany SUNY, joining us as an intern.  With your help Chris will produce a community sustainability interactive map, a new web site, and take another look at the 2003 Philmont Comprehensive Plan as it relates to sustainability to DEVELOP, a new project concept designed by Chris. 


Please join drop by to add your insights to the SUSTAINABILITY map

Reader Comments (2)

Here is something for the Sustainability project -- a link to a documentary about Community Acupuncture. It's 35 min. long; I would recommend starting at 4:00 min. (time marker) to get to the meat of it. http://blip.tv/community-acupuncture-network/community-acupuncture-the-calmest-revolution-ever-staged-5287533. (I am not the author of this, Lisa Rohleder of Portland, Oregon made this documentary with others. I just happened to stumble upon it. I pass this along as a model for community healthcare/alternative healthcare.) The other related link is "Working Class Acupuncture" -- www.workingclassacupuncture.org - T. B.

March 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Rohleder

Okay, let me straighten this out; Lisa R. is the author of the documentary above, I am the author of the post. So I meant to put my name up there as to who made the post. The websites relating to Lisa's projects (community acupuncture) are below.


March 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterT.B.
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