2014 Farmers' Market season / Opening Sunday May 25th 10am-2pm

Survey ballots & dot survey results as of 5-18-12
Stop by the Resource Center to add your voice to this project
Your voice counts!
Please drop by the Resource Center to add your voice and thoughts to the Sustainability map and fill out a quick D.E.V.E.L.O.P. community ballot - Chris Redwing will be there to assist you Friday-Sunday 10am to 4pm from April 1st - June 30th. Click here for more... or leave a blog comment here.
On 4/1/2012 9:24 AM, Anna Dawson wrote:
I saw you at the Taconic Hills conference…… I went to the website for Philmont Beautification and saw your great work. It surely can be a model for other towns. ……Many thanks to folks like you who bring so much talent to the rural community table. In the late 1980's it was folks like you who worked three years to prevent a 1000 acre landfill and burnplant from being sited in Stuyvesant. In the 1970's Stuyvesant folks prevented a nuclear plant. So much energy and success should not be in vain. Now we need to find creative solutions to help folks eat well from off the lands that still can come back from overuse and an old fashioned marketing system.”
Anna Dawson
Hometown Foods, LLC
On 4/2/2012 03.19PM, Michael Glasser wrote:
Subject: A word of encouragement
I had occasion to briefly visit your town some ten years ago. This past weekend I was provided with a guided tour including lunch at 111 and a walk past many of your projects past, present, future.
Your progress was evident with a clear sense your community has come together in a creative cause.
It was easy to imagine the commitment and excitement you must feel.
I look forward to visiting your charming town before too long.
Best wishes,
Drop by the Resource Center at 113 Main -Friday-Sunday 10am-4pm to add your thoughts and ideas to the SUSTAINABILITY interactive map or post your comments here to be added to the map.