Exhibition - Chip Rosien-Artisan-leatherwork

Chip Rosien / Hawk Studio
113 Main St. Philmont, NY
Tel 518 697 0038
November 25 to December 24, 2011
Hours - Wed-Sun 10am-8pm

Chip Rosien / Hawk Studio
113 Main St. Philmont, NY
Tel 518 697 0038
November 25 to December 24, 2011
Hours - Wed-Sun 10am-8pm
Don't miss this event to have your say on the next steps for Philmont's Main St Streetscape improvements to be funded by $60,000.00 New York Main St. program funding. What improvements should be made? What are the next steps for Philmont's Main St. revitalization? Join the Streetscape Committee chaired by Mayor Speed. Bring your ideas!
Philmont: "Connecting the Dots on Main St."
Norman Mintz and Phil Myrick, - a Project for Public Spaces Presentation.
Saturday 15th October, at 11:00am
Philmont Village Hall, 124 Main St, Philmont, NY
Residents of Columbia County and surrounding communities are invited to a presentation which will review the significant downtown Main St. revitalization projects experienced in Philmont from 2006-2011. The presentation will also highlight how Project for Public Spaces (PPS) encourages the community to get involved in "Placemaking" which they see as a way to connect downtown destinations through streetscape improvements and outdoor community events all of which play an integral role in community revitalization.
Norman Mintz, a previous resident of Claverack (now living in Germantown), has been a leader in the field of downtown revitalization for more than 30 years. Among his many accomplishments, he acted as Co-Design Director at the 34th Street Partnership and the Bryant Park Corporation in New York City. As a consultant on downtown revitalization projects across the country he helps communities bring back declining Main Streets. He is a collaborating author of the book "Cities Back from the Edge" which chronicles how cities across America are revitalizing their Main Streets.
Mintz returns to Philmont as a member of Project for Public Spaces. In Philmont he has played an important six-year consultancy role in the on-going Village of Philmont revitalization. This has included the re-adapt design for a recently completed restoration of a Main St. Pocket Park. Funding for the park was provided by NYS Homes and Community Renewal, and the Arthur & Marie Hegarty Foundation. Mintz has also assisted with designs for four Philmont storefront restorations and significant streetscape improvements. He now returns to Philmont to help the community maintain momentum and take the next steps in village revitalization. He is joined by Phil Myrick, also a Columbia County resident with a house in Hudson, and a Vice President of Project for Public Spaces.
Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. Their pioneering Placemaking approach helps citizens transform their public spaces into vital places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common needs. Since 1975, they have worked in more than 2,500 communities, in 50 US states and 40 countries around the world, helping people to plan, design and manage successful public spaces. PPS has recently advised the Town of Hillsdale on their Hamlet revitalization plans.
The presentation is hosted by the Philmont Beautification, Inc. Main St. Program funded by New York State Homes and Community Renewal, and the Village of Philmont Streetscape Committee chaired by Mayor Clarence Speed.
Welcome to all and surrounding neighborhoods to Philmont and Claverack.
Catch Phil Myrick on Friday afternoon @ 4pm talking on WGXC Hudson Radio all about "Connecting the Dots on Main St." and "placemaking."
More info - contact: Philmont Beautification, Inc. – Sally Baker – Exec. Director 518 697 0038 Email: info@pbinc.org
Opening Reception Date: October 6th, 2011
Place: Philmont Beautification Inc Resource Center, 113 Main St., Philmont, NY (Main & Summit St)
Opening Reception Time: 6pm-8pm
Exhibition runs October 6th to November 18th, 2011
Exhibition Hours: Wed thru Fri 10am -6pm, Saturday 10am – 2pm
"30 Years of Tim Smith Stonemasonry in Columbia County" a photography exhibition by Steve Benson, will show an assemblage of photographic prints from a collection of over 1500 images taken during a twelve-month collaboration between a fine art photographer and a stonemason who live and work in Philmont. Benson's photographs capture the majestic beauty of stone in the landscape and the intimacy of masons working together to create magnificent stoneworks and historic preservation restorations across Columbia County.
After 30 years teaching middle school, Steve Benson is now a published writer and photographer living and working in Philmont with his wife Faith. Benson has co-authored with Ron Toelke publications including Thomas Jefferson and Monticello, Discover Dutch New Netherland, and Waterways of War: The Struggle for Empire 1754-1763, a guidebook to the French and Indian War in upstate New York and western Pennsylvania. Benson has also contributed photographs to Bob Toole's history of landscape gardening in the Hudson Valley.
Tim Smith, principal of TD Smith Stonemasonry in Philmont, learned his craft at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City as a member of the Cathedral Apprentice program. Smith learned his craft under the hard-driving British Master builders James Bambridge, Alan Bird & Steven Boyle who ran the well known restoration program which successfully trained disadvantaged youth from Harlem as stone cutters involved in the restoration of the Cathedral in the early 80's. Smith drew on his experiences on the Cathedral Apprentice team when he and his wife Laura moved to Philmont, set up business, and started to employ "at risk" Philmont youth who were struggling with formal public school education. Instead, under Smith's tutelage, they learned the needed lessons of life through stonework. During his 30 years of living and working in Columbia County, Smith has successfully trained dozens of local youth in the lost art of handmade stonework. Many have then gone on to establish their own businesses as certified journeymen and masons. Recent TD Smith Stonemasonry projects include the restoration of the General Worth House on Union Street in Hudson, the restoration of the Clock Tower in Chatham, and the co-founding of the Agawamuck Project for the Fine and Practical Arts. Located at Operation Unite in Hudson, the Project engages and trains at-risk youths in the art and craft of
traditional trades.
"30 Years of Tim Smith Stonemasonry in Columbia County" is the inaugural arts & trades exhibition program developed by Philmont Beautification, Inc. The exhibitions will explore the interconnections of Philmont's artists, trades, and home-based businesses which play a key role in the restoration and revitalization of Philmont's Main St. The exhibition program is funded in part by the Fund for Columbia County at the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation.
Local 111 farm-to-table restaurant located at 111 Main St. will be serving a prix fixe $15 buffet dinner to coincide with the exhibition opening.
Dear Philmont Neighbors,
Philmont Beautification, Inc. has received notice from the NYS Office of Community Renewal which funds the PB Inc Main St. program that our organization can authorize and process up to 50% of expenses incurred for property damages and damage to permanent fixtures due to the recent flooding experienced from both IRENE and LEE storms. This is authorized as a village wide assistance program and does not require the property to be located on the Main St.
Please contact us at the PB Inc Resource Center at 113 Main St, or by phone at 518 697 0038, or by email at info@pbinc.org if you have a property in the Village of Philmont which has sustained flood damage and require financial assistance for damages incurred due to IRENE and LEE storms.
Several flood damaged properties in Philmont are currently receiving FEMA assistance. If your property is being assisted by FEMA and you still require flood damage assistance for items not assisted by the FEMA program, the PB Inc Main St. program may be able to additionally assist those items and repair scopes of work.
Best regards,
Sally Baker
Executive Director